Error Messages (SOAP)

The following is a list of Broadsign Control API error messages for SOAP integrations.

Note: $(xxxx) is a dynamic variable, the value of which will be a user input or operation name, etc.

Error Message Description

$(folder_name) is not a folder.

Check the following variables are each assigned a value in the configuration file /opt/broadsign/suite/sdk/samples/php/soaplib.php:

  • $sdk_root
  • $ca_cert
  • $local_cert
  • $bss_host
  • $api_root

For more information, see PHP Developers - Step Four: Configure Your Installation.

Does not have permission to write on $(timestamp_folder).

Verify that the following folders have the same ownership and permissions:

  • /var/broadsign/suite/sdk
  • /var/broadsign/suite/sdk/timestamps

Error Opening timestamp file $(timestamp_file_name).

Verify the validity of the $timestamp_root file in the configuration file: /opt/broadsign/suite/samples/php/soaplib.php

Error: $(php_soap_error)

Check that the SOAP request contains all the attributes that are marked as “required” in the WSDL. See SOAP Architecture Method Reference.

Received invalid response for list_many $(resource_type).

Check the response to the last request for completeness; or, repeat the concerned request.

Received error response for list_many $(resource type).

The response returned an error. Check that the last request has the correct arguments.

Usage: $(usage_of_cmd_tool)

Check the related command for correct usage.

Nothing to patch in $(impl_file_path). Are you using Axis2 version 1.5?

Patching failed. Check the Apache Axis2 version. See Java Developers - Step Four: Configure Your Installation.

Failed to open $(impl_file_path).

Check that the input file or output file exists.

The file $(impl_file_path) does not exist.

Check that the following file exists: \src\com\broadsign\www\wsdl_ops\

Problem patching $(impl_file_path) $(exception).

Failure of the patching process. See Java Developers - Step Four: Configure Your Installation - To Patch the Stubs.

Usage: $(cmd_line_argument) [BROADSIGN_STUB_GENERATED_WITH_AXIS2_PATH]

This tool patches a bug in axis2 generated files.

Check the arguments to the application. See Step Four: Configure Your Installation - To Patch the Stubs.