Upload a Screen List

This page describes how to use a list of screens or screen groups to filter the digital inventory:

To create a filter:

  1. Log in to Broadsign Direct (we will assume you have logged in as a Sales user) (see User Privileges by Role).
  2. Go to the Digital Inventory Page.
  3. Access the Filters panel.

  4. In the Filters panel, click Upload filter list.
  5. In the window that is displayed, define the list of screens or screen groups to use as a filter.
  6. This window allows you to do the following:

    • Select the list type: You can create a list by Screen / Group ID, Screen / Group name (exact), or Screen / Group name (contains).
    • The Screen /Group name (contains) list type allows you to consider partial matches when filtering on screen or screen group names.

    • Enter a list of filters in the input field. Use only one Screen /Group ID or Screen /Group name per row, for example:

    • Import a list from a .csv file. This file must either be:
      • A list of Screen or Screen Group IDs (you must select the list type Screen / Group ID):

      • A list of Screen or Screen Group names (you must select the list type Screen / Group name (exact) or Screen / Group name (contains)):

    • If applicable, you can choose to:
      • Append what you have entered or imported to the current selection list (if any)
      • Replace the current selection list (if any) by what you have entered or imported

      Note: Unavailable screens or screen groups will not be included into the selection.

      Note: You also can import a .csv file that was exported using the Export to CSV option of the Summary Panel at the top right of the Digital Inventory page (see Action Buttons).

  7. Click Update filter.

    This brings you back to the Digital Inventory page. The filter is applied to your inventory list.