NYC Billboards
Billboard and Out-of-Home Advertising in New York City
Looking to advertise in New York City? Unlock targeted advertising opportunities with Broadsign's curated billboard and OOH inventory packages. Reach your audience wherever they are with inventory strategically placed to target specific venue types, locations, and points of interest throughout NYC.
Unlock advertising opportunities in NYC
As the #1 media market in the U.S., the opportunities for out-of-home and billboard advertising in New York City are extensive.

Demographics & Diversity
A rich blend of cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles, the city's diverse market offers significant possibilities for advertisers to connect with a broad spectrum of desirable consumers.
8.5 million people and 3.1 million households across the five boroughs
52% of the population made up of women
Average population age of 37 years old

Income & Education
New York City is a highly desirable market with a population that surpasses the national average education and income levels.
Mean household income close to $115,000
Median income of nearly $77,000
Over 45% of residents have a college degree or higher
Nearly 65% have a white-collar job

Transportation & Travel
The city holds one of the busiest and most extensive transportation networks in the world.
Home to three major airports (La Guardia, JFK, Newark)
Over 60 million tourists visit each year
Over 36 subway lines and 470 stations
Nearly 1 million workers enter NYC every day, representing 20% of the city's workforce
Looking to advertise in NYC?
Explore digital OOH inventory packages for top audience segments in NYC
See our curated billboard and screen packages tailored for specific audiences around top advertising verticals in New York City. Each package includes diverse environments, venue types, and demographics to boost brand visibility.
Types of billboards and OOH formats in New York City
Street Furniture & Transit