Create detailed and flexible DOOH campaign reports with Broadsign Ads Reporting

August 22, 2022Kayla Caticchio

It’s no secret that data is king in today’s world, and keeping track of it all is essential when it comes to evaluating the overall effectiveness of a digital out-of-home (DOOH) campaign. 

With the new, advanced Broadsign Ads reporting tools, you can create customized reports that meet all of your tracking needs, giving you more transparent and granular details on how your campaign is performing – and how your ad spend is coming in. With this key information, you can make better decisions and adjust campaigns accordingly.

No more manual reporting

Generating reports should be an easy and automated process! With the new reporting tools in Broadsign Ads, all data can be summarized into one grand report, providing campaign visibility and insights at the organizational level. Reports can be summarized and consolidated by options like advertiser or media type, delivering a complete view across all your campaigns. Automated, flexible scheduling also delivers streamlined information without requiring any manual work.

Reports can be customized by selecting fields like time of day and dimensions, letting you choose how you want to view the breakdown of each campaign. You can also select which data you want to export, like impressions, screen ID, latitude and longitude, or spend. To generate reports that map with your internal systems, simply input your Campaign External ID, Advertiser External ID, and Line External ID when creating a campaign. Then, simply run and download the report for a full look into your campaign.

Once you have your report, data can be imported into specialized software, like analytics or finance software, making it easy to incorporate DOOH results into your general campaign reporting and analysis.

Improved insights for all your advertising needs

Sure, generating custom reports is an important part of painting the larger picture when it comes to campaign performance. Still, there are several other benefits to getting more granular with your data.

Gather useful data for deal negotiations

For larger agencies and advertisers, the platform’s new reporting capabilities are a key part of evaluating ad spend, helping break it down per media owner. Advertisers can easily review what they spent in the previous year and adjust for the upcoming one. For example, they can leverage previous data to try to negotiate commercial aspects for upcoming deals.

Get a 360 post-campaign analysis

For many advertisers, OOH only represents a portion of their entire campaign spend. The medium will oftentimes be combined with other channels like digital, mobile, or CTV ads, and advertisers will try to evaluate if there’s been an increase in traffic, sales, or other metrics. By generating reports per advertiser or media type, users can get an aggregated view of how their OOH campaign is performing relative to other channels.

Streamline financial reporting

Broadsign Ads users can also generate campaign reports for finance purposes. With the ability to add their own ID on campaign, line, and advertiser to map to their own internal finance system, our reporting capabilities allow users to keep track of their spending easily. 

Capture audience data around specific screen locations

No matter where your campaign is running, Broadsign Ads’ reporting capabilities make capturing data around specific locations easy. Media buyers can export a list of locations where their campaign has played and use a third-party service to collect data around these locations. With the new update, reports can be automated, enabling advertisers to automatically send locations to third-party services throughout the duration of a campaign. This data can be used for mobile retargeting, for example, where advertisers can use device IDs to deliver additional campaign messaging.

Want to see Broadsign Ads Reporting in action?

Log into your Broadsign Ads account to try it out!

To learn more about reporting or any other Broadsign Ads capabilities, book a demo with one of our campaign experts.

Kayla Caticchio
Kayla Caticchio

Content Marketing Manager

Kayla has been a part of Broadsign’s marketing team since 2021, where she specializes in creating content on all things OOH, DOOH, and pDOOH.