How we keep our culture alive as one of Canada’s top employers

April 6, 2021Samantha Brault

How we keep our culture alive as one of Canada’s top small and medium employers

This year, we celebrate our eighteenth anniversary. But as our company grows older, we’re happy to say our energetic, entrepreneurial spirit remains. This is why we’re honoured to have been named one of Canada’s Top Small- and Medium-sized Employers for the second year in a row! 

One thing that has kept us on pace in maintaining our culture is our values. Last month, we shared stories about three of our values for our Montreal’s Top Employer announcement:

Value 1: We empower

Value 2: We do the right thing

Value 3: We treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Today, we pick up where we left off and explore our two remaining values:

Value 4: We make great things happen

In our weekly all-hands, we hear many stories of wonderful projects our team and clients have worked on. From complex product launches across departments or someone closing a new customer deal, there’s never a lack of wins from individuals and workgroups.

But an exciting example of the entire company rallying to create something truly amazing was when our social responsibility committee put together a fundraiser benefiting food banks around the world.

A member of the committee, Rob, shares how our team surpassed expectations:

“We set an initial goal of $1,000 and wound up blowing past it within an hour of announcing the initiative. By the end, because of the amazing generosity of everyone at Broadsign we raised over $7,500. It was touching to see how excited everyone was to give back and help out people who really needed it. We have a great team.”

Value 5: We do what we say

Something we’re very proud of at Broadsign is that everyone is encouraged to share ideas and drive them from start to finish, no matter their job title. This has helped us create better products, more streamlined processes and overall stronger employees. 

But with great power over their own work, comes great responsibility. To accommodate this environment, trust is needed, and that’s why we always do what we say we will do. 

For team leads like Remi, this makes his team more productive, not to mention allowing him to focus on his own projects:

“I have complete trust that my team will deliver the features and enhancements in the timeline we established together. Also, they won’t hesitate to bring up issues and make sure we make the right choice even if it’s not always the easiest solution.”

Want to be part of our team?

If you’ve got a curious mind and love sharing new ideas, we want to hear from you! 

Check out our open positions, which we have many for developers and business people alike, take a look at our career page and be sure to follow us on LinkedIn for future opportunities.

And if you haven’t watched it yet, for a glimpse into what office life at Broadsign is like, check out a little video we put together last year before we started working from home.